This program is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied at any time within 30 days of purchase, Solin will refund your money.
"Don’t let anyone tell you, you can’t do something."
This program is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied at any time within 30 days of purchase, Solin will refund your money.
Program Overview
✔️ Push/pull/legs split
✔️ Compound lifts based on % of 1RM
✔️ Exclusive community group
✔️ Daily workouts
✔️ Sets, reps, exercises, & cardio recommendations
✔️ & More
✔️ Bonus 1: My general nutrition principles & calculating macros
✔️ Bonus 2: My go-to-foods (by macros)
✔️ Bonus 3: Example day of eating @ 2,500 and @ 3,000 calories (with specific meal breakdowns, macros, grocery list)
Training Overview
✔️ Push, Pull, Legs Split
✔️ 3 days on, 1 day off - then repeat
Welcome everybody! Many of you were asking for a bulk program, so I’m glad I could create one for you! I’ve designed this program to help you bulk without putting on that excess fat that’s common in other bulking protocols.
I prefer to stay lean during my bulks for a few reasons:
This program focuses on compound lifts and slightly lower rep ranges than my shredding protocol. As always, there's a private community and I'll make myself available for individual questions to help you achieve your goals. Let’s get after it!
*This program is included in my Eternity Athletics Club. To become a member, you can tap ‘Subscribe’ above to join for $14.99 / month or $99.99 / year (44% OFF).
My Eternity Athletics Club includes access to this challenge and:
You can also purchase individual access to this program for a $29 one-time fee. In this instance, you will only receive access to this program.
Talha S.
June 2024
6-Week Lean Bulk Program
Talha S.
June 2024
6-Week Lean Bulk Program
Jake m.
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Jason A.
March 2023
6-Week Lean Bulk Program
Don’t let anyone tell you, you can’t do something.
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Top 5% Creator
Hey guys, I created this as a place where we can all train together and motivate each other to crush our goals in the gym and achieve great things. Members of the Eternity Athletics Club will get access to all of my latest workout programs, challenges, exclusive content, merch drops, prizes, & more. See you on the inside!