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Mike Thesaiyan

Saiyan Forearm Challenge

with Mike Thesaiyan

Solin Guarantee

This challenge is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied at any time within 30 days of purchase, Solin will refund your money.

Your Access Includes

  • 6-week challenge to help you strengthen your forearms and give you the grip strength for book ripping and boulder lifting
  • Workout plan, in-app video demos for every movement, private community for accountability, & more!
  • Challenge starts April 22nd, 2024 **One-time purchase for lifetime access (you can continue repeating the program over time)

From Mike

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Solin Guarantee

This challenge is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied at any time within 30 days of purchase, Solin will refund your money.

Challenge Highlights

challenge highlights from creator

From Mike


Start date April 22nd, 2024

End date June 2nd, 2024

Open to all participants, worldwide!

Announcing the Saiyan Forearm Challenge! Unleash your inner warrior with exercises crafted to give you book-ripping, boulder-lifting grip strength. Over the next 6 weeks, we’ll power up your forearms to legendary anime levels, transforming your grip into a force of nature.

This journey is about more than just muscle—it’s your path to unlocking untold strength and achieving a confidence that's out of this world.

Ready to go Super Saiyan on your goals? Let’s ascend together!


✔️ 6-week training plan

✔️ Video demonstrations for every movement

✔️ Sets, reps, & exercise guidance

✔️ Private community for support & accountability

✔️ Mobile app access

✔️ Unlimited access to challenge (one-time purchase for lifetime access)

Once you've registered, make sure you READ THE IMPORTANT INFORMATION INSIDE THE PLATFORM for directions on how to proceed!

Start date April 22nd, 2024

End date June 2nd, 2024

Open to all participants, worldwide!

Mike Thesaiyan

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