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Babi Manu
Babi Manu

6 Week Full Body & Glute Building Program

with Babi Manu


Solin Guarantee

This challenge is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied at any time within 30 days of purchase, Solin will refund your money.

Your Access Includes

  • Black Friday Sale - 25% OFF ($150 instead of $200)
  • Exclusive Community Group (Chat with me & others throughout the program)
  • Meal Plan, Grocery List, Nutrition Guidance, & More!!
Solin Guarantee

This challenge is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied at any time within 30 days of purchase, Solin will refund your money.

Challenge Highlights

challenge highlights from creator

From Babi


Program Details

✔️ For women & men of ALL fitness levels

✔️ Female & Male training splits

✔️ December 1st -  January 12th 2022 (6 weeks)

✔️ Exclusive community group

✔️ LIVE Q&As

✔️ Detailed daily workouts (sets, reps, tempo, RPE, rest, form tips)

✔️ Stretching Tutorials 

✔️ Fitness & wellness education

✔️ Nutrition guidance

✔️ Supplementation recommendations

✔️ Mindset & other helpful fitness tips


This 6 week program is designed to transform your body & mind. It is perfect for those looking to get into tip-top shape & getting your waist smaller while building those glutes.

Over the next 6 weeks, I'll provide daily workouts and a meal plan that takes the guesswork out of it.

The program will be starting December 1st, with all of us following the same workout schedule through January 12th, 2022. If you can't follow along with that exact schedule, that's okay too - you can go at your own pace. 

There will be Q&A sessions every 1-2 weeks for the community, in addition to providing daily workouts, nutritional guidance, supplementation, mindset guidance, & general wellness education. If you stay committed, you will see incredible results over the next 6 weeks. 


If you want to gift this challenge to a friend, please create your account & purchase with the email address of the intended “gift” recipient and reach out directly to my team - - with the subject line: “Babi Manu Program Gift”

Learn More


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Lifestyle coach, IFBB Wellness Pro, Olympian 2021 Top 10. Over 7 years training! LESS TALK MORE WORK

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