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Erika's Reviews

87% User Satisfaction Score

9 Reviews


Ashley V.

March 2025

Love it! My only thing was that not all the workouts had videos. I had to google or watch youtube videos of the workout and took some time from when I already paid to have the videos on the app.


Aida T.

March 2025

I loved the program can’t wait for the next one

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Janet D.

January 2025

I love the community. How all the girls engage in conversation and motivate and uplift one another. I love that Erika H. also engages with us as if we personally know her. The workouts are amazing. Best program I’ve joined.

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Franchesca N.

December 2024

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Valeria S.

March 2025


Verónica B.

March 2025

I thought we would receive more coaching from Erika. Maybe lore check in’s. It was more do it yourself


Maria C.

January 2025

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Franchesca N.

December 2024

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Jennifer V.

March 2025

App comments: it’d be great if the exercises were numbered within each day. It’d also be great if either the “days” can be reorganized to our liking or if the days were not numbered at all. For example I did not rest during the weekend which is considered day 6&7, i’d rest like on Tuesdays and Thursdays, it’d be nice for the days on the app to match that. So my day 3 would be back &biceps not “day 2” as shown on the app. Another thing is that there is no notification section on the app so if someone commented on your post or replied to your comment the only way to get to it was if you clicked on the notification sent to your phone or to manually look through ALL post until you find the post- which is not ideal in this case as so many people were posting several times a day! This is insignificant and did not affect my review. Just wanted to share in case the app is looking for this type of feedback. Challenge comments: There were many exercises where there was no video demonstration. I had to google what those exercises were in the middle of my workout. This was annoying for me personally because the service in my gym is terrible so this delayed me. Of course I could have googled prior to going to the gym but it was said that all movements would have a video. Also, I feel like more of the common exercises were the ones that had video vs uncommon which wasn’t helpful. Or at least uncommon to me, as a newbie. for example, I had no idea what tbar was or an ab rollout- these had no video but the squat exercise did have a video. To add-on to the video feedback, they were just videos of the exercise being performed. The videos didn’t provide an explanation of the actual exercise or even an explanation on the form which I think is very important information for a coach to provide. I think this was a very huge factor not to include, this made it feel like all we paid for was a list of exercises and not an opportunity to be coached online- which I thought was the point? They can correct me if I’m wrong but I guess you get what you pay for, this was not expensive in my opinion, $50. Erika only sent roughly about 2 messages to this community after the challenge began, I expected more from a coach. On a positive note, the exercises themselves were effective and challenging but the best that came out of the challenge was the participants, it was great having everyone cheering each other on. We all helped each other with any confusion during this 6 week challenge via the community & it helped keep us accountable.

Jennifer's review of Erika's membership