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Dakjitsu's Reviews

100% User Satisfaction Score

5 Reviews


Adrian M.

October 2023


Daphnee A.

April 2023


Steven R.

February 2023

Absolutely amazing sessions on the first week going above and beyond my own expectations

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Odelia m.

February 2023

I love the convinces and everything is set up for me. After having my twins,my body has changed so much and I struggled to find the motivation to leave the house but... I have to say,a week in and my body is sore,but a good sore. I'm loving the Roy time and structure. Learning to build up my strength & taking notice of my reps and isolating & focusing on my movements has made so much difference to my training. The best investment for my health & motivation to better myself.

Odelia's review of Dakjitsu's membership


Kyle D.

February 2023

Felt sore everyday!